Summary (*Required) – A short summary of the offer that will show in the list view of all the spaces available to the app user.
Description(*Required) – The description of the offer that will show once the app user clicks into the offer.
Terms and Conditions – The terms and conditions of the offer that will show once the app user clicks into the offer.
User Redemption Limit – Total redemption limit per user. If left blank, it will default to single use per user.
Total Redemption Limit – Total redemption limit for all users. For example, the offer could be for 50% off coffee for the first 100 redemptions, therefore the total redemption limit would be 100.
Commencement date – The date the offer is available from.
Expiration date – The date the offer expires.
Active – Whether the offer is showing in the app for app users to see and redeem. Yes, showing in the app. No, not showing in the app.
Display Redeem Button – Display a redeem button on the offer. Yes, shows the redeem button. No hides the redeem button. If the offer requires a pin from merchant, select yes to show the redeem button.
Automatically add to user group – Select the user group/s you would like app users who redeem this offer to be added to.
PIN code (4 digits) – Enter a 4 digit pin code which has to be given to the app user by the merchant to redeem the offer.
Buildings-This enables you to share the offer with other buildings available in the app that are owned by the same client. When shared with other buildings, the tenants of the other building/s will be able to see the offer. The admins of the other building/s that the offer is shared with will not be able to edit the offer.
Capture fields - Add custom fields to the offer screen to capture additional information from the app user in relation to the offer. For example, you could ask for an input of text or numbers, ask a question with a single or multiple choice answer, or ask for a date and/or time. You can make these capture fields required so that the user has to enter information or answer the question in order to redeem the offer. If the field is set to rememberable, the information will be remembered for future offers so the app user only has to enter the information once at the first time of redeeming.
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