We’ve been working hard to make Host Building better! Here’s the new and improved features, integration updates and resolved bugs you’ll find in this release.
What’s new
Openpath Motion and Fitness [iOS Only]
OpenPath mobile access functionality works best when Motion and Fitness permissions have been provided to the application. Users can now enable this by navigating to their Privacy settings and enabling Motion & Fitness in the application. Host does not collect or retain any motion or fitness data.
Android Improvements
- Dynamic feature shortcuts
The app will now dynamically suggest shortcuts based on the app users most used features. For example, an app user can create a shortcut to their favorite coffee shop so they can quickly order their morning coffee for example. The colors of the icon will match the icon menu colors within the app.
- Adaptive Host Building icon
The Host Building icon will now support the adaptive icon functionality. This means that the icon can display differently depending on individual device capabilities and theming, providing the app user with a more unified look and feel for their device homepage. This is currently only enabled for the Host Building app, if you would like this enabled for your app, please reach out to your client services lead.
- Icon layering
The Host Building app icon has had image layering implemented resulting in better UI transition when app users are navigating to and from their app list view on Android.
Pulse TSR upload image functionality has been hidden [iOS only]
For buildings that use Pulse Response tenant service requests (TSR), the functionality to upload an image has been hidden on iOS devices. Android was updated in release 1.68.
What’s improved
UX & UI updates to My Profile [Android only]
The first phase of updates to the My Profile section have begun this release on Android. The update decreases the amount of space leveraged for the profile picture and elevates the users' details. This provides a more modern look and feel to the interface and improves user experience.
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OfficeRnD message updated
The wording used when a user attempts to open OfficeRnD but is not a current member has been updated to make it more user friendly.
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Price of product options now displayed in vendor reports
Vendor reports have been updated to include the price of product options in the description column. This will apply to orders placed from 1.69 onwards.
Improved Angus TSR camera experience [Android]
Using a camera to create images for upload to Angus has been improved on Android for a better user experience.
SMS blast text no longer available
The functionality to send a building-wide blast SMS is no longer available in the admin portal. See Blast Communications for other ways to send out blast communications.
Integration updates
- Update Kastle SDK to 3.7.1 [Android Only]
- Update HID SDK to 1.7.8 [Android Only]
Resolved bugs
- Incorrect error message appearing on registration screen when app user attempts to register using a non-work email address. [iOS only]
- Next button on registration screen missing outline on iOS devices. [iOS only]
- When an app user scans a QR code to view a news article, the app user is taken to the article however cannot open or view the full article. [iOS only]
- Client managers changing buildings on iOS devices are being reverted back to their original building after clicking change.
- App crashes after uploading a single image to a form field in an event, progressing to the next screen but then going back to the screen with the form field. [Android only]
Admin portal
- News articles are being published to all buildings in an alliance even though only particular buildings were selected for it to be published to.
- If an app user has cancelled and then re-booked their attendance to an event, when the app user is checked-in via the QR code scanner, their cancelled and new booking show as attended in the event reports.
- Service report dropping decimal in total cost field.
- Translations entered into the translation field for events cannot be saved and any content entered into the field after the save button is clicked is cleared.
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