Group targeting
Group targeting enables you to create content and only have it seen, bookable and usable by app users in a user group. To apply group targeting a user group needs to be created first, see How to create a user group.
Content can be targeted to one group or multiple groups. If an app user is in several groups which are targeted, they will not receive duplicated information.
Group targeting can be applied to the following features:
- Spaces
- Space discounts
- Services
- Events & Functions
- Event & Function discounts
- News & Comms
- Promo Code
- Polls
- Homepage Screen
- Noticeboard
- Offers
- Menu tiles
As group targeting can be used on a number of features, for the purpose of these steps we will apply group targeting to a space, however the steps will be similar for the other features listed above.
- From the left-hand side menu, select Spaces > Available Spaces.
- On the Available Spaces screen, navigate to the space you would like to add group targeting to and on the right of the name click Group Targeting and click on the user group/s you want to target the space to (once added, the square beside the user group will turn into a tick and the Group Targeting button will change colour indicating the space is targeted to a user group/s).
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