Is Name Displayed? – Whether the name of the vendor to display in the app.
Location – Where the vendor is located.
Short Location – Repeat location or leave blank.
Description – Description about the vendor.
Vendor Service Category – The category you want your vendor to appear in when the app user filters by category, or, if your app has multiple vendor menu tiles, the category you select will also determine which menu tile the vendor appears within. Speak to your Host contact if you would like more categories added.
Serve Food and Beverage Menu? – Always select Yes to ensure the vendor shows in the vendor list view.
Multi-day product categories (only appears if vendor serves food and beverage menu) – This field can be left blank.
Dynamic delivery times? (only appears if vendor serves food and beverage menu) – If yes, then delivery times will roll over into the next day. For example, it is 2pm Wednesday and the chosen delivery location has a 9am delivery time. When sent to yes, the app user will be shown Thursday 9am and be able to place the order. If no, the app user will see 9am but be unable to place the order as it is past that time.
Accept orders when logged out (only appears if vendor serves food and beverage menu) – Select Yes if the vendor would like to receive orders even when logged out of vendor admin. For example, a florist may be open from 9am – 5pm, but they would like to receive orders placed after 5pm to fulfil the next day.
Enable test order creation? – As default, this is on no. If you would like to test order creation for the vendor before they are live to the app users, change to Yes. It is advised to change this back to No after testing is complete.
Show vendor in the following buildings - This enables you to share the vendor with other buildings available in the app that are owned by the same client. When shared with other buildings, the tenants of the other building/s will be able to see and order from the vendor. The admins of the other building/s that the space is shared with will not be able to edit the vendor.
Webview URL – If a URL is entered into this field, when the app user clicks on this vendor, the webview will open within the app and the app user will be able to place an order via the website rather than through the app.
Serving options (only appears if vendor serves food and beverage menu) – Tick which serving options the food and beverage vendor offers.
Payment Options Available (required) – Pay in-app and Pay on arrival are the two payment options available to vendors. Until the vendor has been onboarded with stripe, only pay on arrival will be selected. See how to onboard a vendor with Stripe once the vendor is created, then see how to edit a vendor to select Pay in-app as a payment option.
Payment label (only appears if Pay on arrival is selected) – By default this text is “Pay on arrival” but can be changed to a custom message.
Payment notes – The text entered into this field will be added as a note underneath the payment options.
Default tax rate – The tax rate for the vendor will default to your region’s tax rate. To change it, select the tax rate you would like from the drop down. The tax rate selected will apply to all products the vendor sells, unless it is changed at a product category level.
Account details
First Name – First name of the main vendor contact
Last Name – Last name of the main vendor contact
Email Address (required) – Email address of the main vendor contact. All vendor related emails will go to this email address.
Login details
Username (required) – Assign the vendor a username.
Password (required) – Assign the vendor a password.
Security settings
Allow multi logins – Tick if you want to allow the vendor to have multiple sessions of their account logged-in at the same time.
Business Details
Business Name (this information will appear on user receipts and vendor reports) – Registered business name of vendor.
Business Number (this information will appear on user receipts and vendor reports) – Vendor business number, such as an ABN, ACN etc.
Address (this information will appear on user receipts and vendor reports) – Address of the vendor.
Latitude – Latitude of vendor location for maps.
Longitude – Longitude of vendor location for maps.
Website URL – The vendors website. Unlike the Webview URL option, this is simply to include an option for the app user to visit the vendor website. Entering a website here will still allow the app user to place an order through the app.
Notification Emails – This will send an email to the email addresses added to this field when orders are being processed.
Support phone – Support phone number. This does not display in the app.
Contact details – The contact details added here will be added to the email sent to the app user when they place an order with the vendor. HTML is supported in this field.
Email daily vendor reports – Ticking this will email daily vendor reports to the vendor account email address.
Aggregate promotion codes per order in vendor reports – Leave this option unselected.
Enable SMS – Automatically ticked and enables SMS’s to be sent to app users from the vendor about their order.
Show delivery fee – Ticking this will show the delivery fee functionality for this vendor to set up in vendor admin.
Show product option – Ticking this will show the product options functionality for this vendor to set up in vendor admin.
Enable tipping – Ticking this will activate tipping for this vendor.
Disable promo code field – Ticking this will remove the promo code box from the cart screen within the app, disabling promo codes for this vendor.
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