Subtitle – Subtitle of news article. This is shown to the app user on the news list view screen.
Display Timeframes – The date the news article will start displaying and the date it will stop displaying.
Category – The category you want your news article to appear in when the app user filters by category, or, if your app has multiple news menu tiles, the category you select will also determine which menu tile the article appears within. Speak to your Host contact if you would like more categories added.
Link to – Link to another area of the app via a more information button (if required). Leave blank if not required and the button will not show. The link to button will show on both the news list view and full news article screens.
More Information Button Text – If you link to another area of the app in the link to field and would like to customize the more information button text, enter alternative text. The button text is limited to 25 characters. The button will not show if a link has not been pasted into the above link to field.
Content – The content of the news article. This content will show once the user clicks into the news article.
Read More Button Text – If you would like to customize the read more button text, enter alternative text. The button text is limited to 25 characters. The read more button shows on the article on the news list view screen and when clicked takes the app user to the full news article.
Notifications – Send push notification to targeted building users advising them that a news article been added. Push notifications being received by the app user is dependent on their device notification settings.
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