Poll Name (*Required) – The name of the poll. Internal/Admin portal use only.
Poll heading (*Required) – The heading of the poll. This will display as the poll heading in the app above the poll question.
Poll Question (*Required) – The question you want to ask app users.
Poll Responses (*Required) – Enter 2-10 responses that the app user can choose from to answer the question.
Start date (*Required) – The date the poll will start displaying in the app.
Finish date (*Required) – The date the poll will stop displaying in the app. Once the finish date has past, the poll can no longer be edited, only results viewed.
Category (*Required) – Select the poll category the poll belongs in. See how to manage poll categories for more information.
Response Type – Choose whether the app user can have a single response or multiple responses.
No. of days before displaying a Poll again after being dismissed (*Required) – The app user can dismiss the poll rather than answering the poll. Enter the number of days before the displaying the poll again after it has been dismissed.
No. of times a Poll can be dismissed before being removed (*Required) - The app user can dismiss the poll rather than answering the poll. Enter the number of times the app user can dismiss the poll before they are not shown the poll again.
Display on completion of poll – Choose whether the poll results or a thank you message is displayed at the completion of the poll.
Thank you message – Enter a custom thank you message if you have chosen a thank you message to display at the completion of the poll. If a custom message isn’t entered, the prefilled message ‘Thanks for completing our poll!’ will display.
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