We’ve been working hard to make Host Building better! Here’s the new and improved features, integration updates and resolved bugs you’ll find in this release.
What’s new
My Profile
We’ve been working to improve the user interface and user experience of My Profile and in this release, we completed the My Profile redesign. This release included updating the colour and iconography, updating the QR code error messages, adding QR code and Mobile Access buttons (if required) to below the profile image, and providing the ability to manage credit card details. See Coming Soon: My Profile Redesign for more information.
Events shared with a building now visible in Admin Portal
Buildings that have events shared to them by another building will now see a non-editable version on the event in the All Events view within the admin portal. The building admin will be able to copy the deeplink to the event and also view upcoming sessions.
Gregorian calendar
If an iOS app user’s device is set to the Buddhist calendar, the in app date picker will now reflect the Gregorian calendar.
Host Building can now integrate with Hungerbox, a digital cafeteria experience. Hungerbox can be provided at a building level as a webview.
What’s improved
Client data API, app_user_log has been updated
To improve this data export and ensure succinct information is displayed, we will no longer populate the page viewed column in this data export. A single record is created for all interactions within 15 minute time block. The intervals are calculated on 0-15, 15-13, 30-45 and 45-60 minutes.
Client data API deleted users
To better handle deleted users, including or not including deleted users in the Client Data API feed is now optional. By default, deleted users are excluded to match historic counts. If you would like to start including deleted users, it will only cover those who have deleted their accounts after V1.74 is released. User details will be marked censored with **private** to ensure PII laws are respected.
Admin Portal Dashboard Improvements
The following changes have been made to the admin portal dashboard.
Engagement Snapshot
Total Users will be re-labelled to Total Current Users to better reflect the data shown. Total Current Users counts the number of host building accounts and does not include deleted accounts.
User Registrations
User Registrations will be re-labelled to Total Lifetime Users. Previously this graph showed current users, now it will show the total lifetime users by adding together current users and deleted users over the lifetime of the app. Deleted users will only start showing in this graph from the time this change is live.
User Status Breakdown
Active will be re-labelled to Verified to better reflect the data shown. Verified counts the number of users who have registered to the app and verified their email address.
Additional line breaks in emails
Previously the body text of blast emails have been displaying with additional line breaks when viewed in Outlook, Google etc., this issue has now been resolved and emails should be displaying as intended.
Building level configuration for Email TSR
The ‘Make an Occupier Request’ and ‘Report a Building Issue’ button labels can be customised per building. Reach out to Host Building to have this customisation made.
Product Tags in Vendor Admin Removed
Product Tags have been removed from view in Vendor admin due to incomplete implementation.
POS Logging
Additional logging has been added to the POS system to enhance support processes.
Android improvements
Reduce taps on registration
On registration, the app user no longer has to tap into each field at the load of each page, instead the field will automatically become the focus and the keyboard will appear for the app user to enter information. -
Snackbar text color
The text color used on Snackbars has been changed to white to improve legibility. -
Snackbar automatic dismissal
Previously snackbars remained on the screen indefinitely, now snackbars automatically dismiss when the app user navigates to another page or after 15 seconds if the app user does not dismiss the snackbar before then. -
Webview improvements
Webview now supports the system back button to navigate back within the webview, and the displaying of accepting/rejecting location permission requests, which the app will remember for future webviews. Webviews also previously allowed app rotation, this has been disabled to ensure the app user receives a consistent experience. -
Delay initialization of some integrations
To improve app performance, Kastle, Gallagher, Braxos, Openpath and HID will not initialize until the feature is accessed or the user registers with the integration.
Integration updates
- Update Stripe SDK to 23.5.0
Resolved bugs
- The eLogBooks job status type of ‘Approval Rejected’ is displaying in the Host app as ‘In Progress’ instead of ‘Declined’.
- On iOS, buttons in Services are appearing in different sizes and without rounded corners.
- On Android, if there is no Location Scanner content created the app crashes.
- On iOS, when a building admin creates noticeboard content and the title exceeds a certain character limit, the title truncates.
- On iOS, only the first image loaded against a service is showing even if more than one image is loaded.
- After an app user changes their email address via My Profile, the app user is able to re-use the original validation email they received for their old email address to re-validate their account.
- On Android, if an app had a forced update, the “update” button was not taking the app user to the configured URL.
- On iOS, the description on the Loan Service Success screen is being cut off and becoming a long scrollable small label view.
Admin portal
- As a building or client admin, event reports run on a single event are erroring upon clicking download report. The error is happening when the event has custom fields which have been created and deleted over 6 months prior.
- In client admin, the active users graph in dashboard is showing the dates in an odd format and filtering does not resolve the issue.
- When building or client admins try to create tenant, user or VMS admins against a tenancy the session drops out requiring the admin to reload and upon reload the account is not created.
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