From the left-hand side menu in building or service admin, click Service Desk > General Requests or Loan Requests.
On the requests screen in the top right corner, click Actions > Create Service Invoice.
On the Send Invoice modal, complete the following fields: Service: Select either adhoc invoice or select the service the invoice is related to. App user email: Enter the app user’s email address. This is the email the invoice will be emailed to. Invoice type: Select whether the invoice is to be itemized or non-itemized. This will control what appears below and how and what information is entered for the invoice. Itemized will enable you to break down each item and its cost. Non-itemized will give you a freeform field to enter the services rendered and a field to enter the total cost.
Click Send. The app user will be send an email with the invoice and a link to pay via credit card.
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