Quick Links are a 4-icon menu that can appear on the Homepage of the app, under the Banner Carousel, and above the various content carousels. They are a convenient way of accessing your favorite features from the Homepage. Quick Links can only be set by the Host Building team, please contact Host Building if you would like to add or edit your Quick Links.
Here's a few things to know about Quick Links
- There are 4 quick links. There can be no less or no more than 4.
- They can be configured at a building level so if you have multiple buildings, each building can have a different set of quick links that are best suited to their building.
- Where the quick links link to can be anything that is set in the main menu, this includes menu tiles with suppressed content.
- The quick link will behave the same as the menu tile.
- The name and icon displayed will match what is used in the main menu. However, the color of the icon can be different from the main menu, but all 4 quick link icons must be the same color.
- The order the quick links appear in is customizable and are set from left to right.
- If one or more of the quick links are set to a targeted audience, only those targeted will see all 4 quick links, all other users will see the homepage without the quick links feature.
- Even if a tile is hidden in the main menu it will display in the Quick Links if set up.
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