We’ve been working to make Host Building better! Here’s the new and improved features, integration updates and resolved bugs you’ll find in this release.
NEW FEATURE: Link to Spaces
The "link to" functionality in the admin portal now includes Spaces, which can be linked to individually. This is available from News, Homepage feature banner articles, building amenity images and push notifications.
NEW FEATURE: Search for Space
When the primary Spaces tile for a building has more than one space being displayed, a filter is shown in the top right corner of the page. This filter allows users to limit the spaces showing to those which meet their exact search criteria.
App users are prompted to enter their required date, start time, and booking duration in the search, these are mandatory fields. They are also given the option to further refine the search by capacity, feature(s), and category. The results shown are those spaces that meet ALL of the defined criteria.
Once applied, the filter icon will display a number to indicate how many parameters are currently applied to the content being displayed. Users can then click on the filter to clear these parameters.
When an app user views the "My Bookings" tab of Spaces they will see the apps icon logo, instead of the search filter which can be seen under the "Browse" tab.
IMPROVEMENT: Portfolio Shared Space
When managing spaces, building admins will be able to see a space that has been shared from a different building. The listing will identify the name of the building where the space was originally shared from.
IMPROVEMENT: Payment screen card management
When an App user processes a "Pay Now" booking they will see the new design Manage Cards and Add Cards screens.
Loan Services
IMPROVEMENT QR code scanning
- When a Concierge app user is scanning the QR code for a loan service (to either check out OR return an item for a tenant) they will be able to see any custom field information related to that loan service request. This will allow the concierge to identify which items have been borrowed and are being returned.
- As a Concierge app user, after launching and using the QR code scanner, the success screen will allow the concierge to either use the "Scan Again" OR go "Back to Loans" which directs them back to the Service Scanning login screen.
- In the admin portal, the ‘all event’ reports have been updated to identify: session end date, session end time, the date and time app users submitted their RSVP.
- The booking confirmation email sent to app users has been updated to include the full details of the session the user has booked.
Strong Customer Authentication (SCA)
If an app user is on an older version of the app which does not fully support standard SCA workflows they will still be able to complete SCA mandatory transactions via:
- For time-sensitive payments (F&B) Host will attempt to create a pre-authorisation for the value of the order, if the pre-authorisation is challenged by the Bank, the user can fill in their details at this point. If the payment is challenged later in the process the app will fail the payment and inform the app user.
- For non-time-sensitive payments, the app user will be emailed a link to pay later via web view.
Proxy Integration
- Within the Proxy Setting panel, a support action has been added to allow an app user to "report an issue" which will allow Host and Proxy support to access and provide resolutions to any issues.
- From the "My Registered Access" screen, app user can refresh their access as required. This is required when access has been updated and due to a network issue, this information has not been updated in the application.
Gallagher Integration
- Style updates on iOS for the "Add another credential" and "Contact support" buttons.
- Superadmin can optionally configure a building to send app users Gallagher invitations or not.
HIG Integration
- In app, the 'Register New Access' button has been renamed to 'Add another credential'.
- While a credential is being added to an app users' profile, they are shown a loading indicator
- Each building can be uniquely configured so that the Mobile ID Protection and Twist & Go are either force enable/ disable for app users OR app users can choose to use these settings.
Other Improvements
- Services - When App user process a "Pay Now" service request they will see the new design Manage Cards and Add Cards screens.
- Dashboard reporting - On the admin portal dashboard, the Engagement Snapshot has been updated to always show the Average Daily Users for the last 30 days, New Users for the last 7 days and Sales for the calendar month.
- Change Building - App users who have been given the access role "Client Manager" will easily be able to identify which building and tenancy they are currently in as this information will be pre-filled in the user's app when they first open My Building > Change Building.
- Vendor reports - When vendors export sales data as a .csv file, "product category" (e.g. Hot Drinks) and "product details" (e.g Latte) are now communicated in two separate columns, rather than the one "product" column.
- Subscription tax rates - Subscription costs will now support tax exclusive rates as well as tax inclusive.
- Kastle - Update Kastle SDK to 2.10
- Walkthrough - On iOS, the text on the walkthrough page can now be configured to be all uppercase. This matches the Android experience.
Resolved Bugs
- F&B text messages - The confirmation text received by app users, informing them their F&B order was ready was missing the Vendor name.
- Proxy - On iOS the "Confirm Details" button was freezing when registering the device
- Erase Data & Reset - on Android, when app users tapped "My Profile" > " My Account" > "Erase & reset data" it was causing the app to crash.
- Offers - In the admin portal, the "Active" dropdown was always displaying as "yes" regardless of the correct state.
- News - In the admin portal, when viewing the news articles list view, the news categories were showing as numbers rather than as names.
- On iOS, when an event has multiple sessions, the "+1 more" was missing on event landing screen.
- On iOS, the cost label was showing as green for paid events (which denotes free), rather than blue.
Service Desk
- In the admin portal service desk, request was not showing information from custom capture fields
- Admin users were not able to create Adhoc invoice under the service desk
- In the admin portal, the Spaces schedule view once again reflects if a booking has been paid or if payment is still outstanding.
- In the admin portal, when changing an existing space from "Card display only - Yes" to "No" admin was receiving an error and unable to save the space.
- If a space had been configured to have a minimum booking duration which is the same as the booking interval (e.g. 1 hour), app users were not able to book the space for the required minimum period (e.g. the users were only allowed to book in periods of 2 hours onwards).
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